Socıal Medıa Management

Social Media Management

Social media management is not to be liked, but to start a dialogue with your target customers, to strengthen this bond by responding to their needs, and ultimately to make them your customers. Because whether your business model is B2B or B2C, social media platforms offer excellent opportunities to achieve all these. 

Social Media Management is one of the most effective ways to achieve your goals!

You may have question marks about why you need social media management, but while the society is becoming more and more internet and social media oriented, the fact that businesses do not have an effective presence in these areas leads to many problems such as weakening the bond with the customer, decreasing brand awareness and decreasing sales. In these days when everyone from 7 to 70 uses social media, it is more important than ever to maintain a successful social media management. 

You can contact us right now to take advantage of the numerous opportunities of social media and learn the tricks of social media strategies!

Effective Social Media Management requires expertise!

Determining the right strategy, continuity, consistency and creativity are among the most important elements in social media management. Opening a social media account without determining the target audience, analysing the competition and potential, making a few irregular posts, choosing ordinary images and texts will undoubtedly cause your efforts to be wasted. Our social media team, specialized in analysis, planning, content creation, publishing and then moderation, designs posts with social media language and style specially developed for each brand, plans them to be shared at the right times and blends continuity, consistency and creativity throughout the whole process.

Integrated Social Media Management fuels success!

Performing an integrated social media management by choosing the right channels not only on a single platform but also on digital channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube increases your brand visibility and ensures that your products and services are known by a wide audience on every platform. Thus, people are more likely to prefer you when they need the products and services you offer. For example, according to Datareportal’s 2023 data, 72.3% of Facebook users also use YouTube, 77.4% Instagram, 52.3% TikTok, 49% Twitter, 33.4% Pinterest and 30.6% LinkedIn.

If you want to improve your online reputation, attract visitors to your site, increase your sales and grow your business, you can trust our social media experts working within MonthStoreLLC and you can be sure that your social media accounts will be managed successfully. As MonthStoreLLC, since the user audiences of social media platforms may differ, we develop a separate strategy for each medium and act by considering the advantages and disadvantages of the platforms.

Social media marketing

Facebook Management

Facebook, which has 3 billion active users today, has changed a lot since the day it was founded as a medium where we acquire our social media habits and has made innovations that businesses can use for their digital marketing strategies. Today, Facebook is the largest social media platform with millions of users, and its audience varies in terms of age, country, interests and socioeconomic status. Therefore, it is a very suitable platform for a business to expand its potential customer base. Although a business Facebook page resembles a personal profile, it functions as an online presence that promotes the business.

A business Facebook page is one of the most convenient ways to communicate with customers, increase brand awareness and generate leads. It also serves as a search engine optimization (SEO) tool to help increase your website’s engagement. In this way, you can increase your organic traffic and manage Facebook adverts through a single page. Managing a Facebook page is just one part of a coherent social media strategy.

Thanks to the Meta Business Suite offered by Facebook to businesses, we can manage and track all marketing and advertising activities from a single point. Page Statistics is a tab developed by Facebook to view interactions and get more detailed information about users’ interest in content. With this tab, we can optimize our social media strategy by evaluating all movements on the page. In addition, by viewing the demographic data of users accessing the business page, we can learn about your potential customers and organize our content accordingly.

We care about producing the right content that will appeal to your target audience and communicating with your customers in the best way, and we personalize your Facebook posts in accordance with each brand identity. We design your Facebook business page to attract the attention of users and ensure that all posts have a creative tone that clearly conveys the message. The target audience may have many reasons to choose you! Our social media experts at MonthStoreLLC prepare posts that will highlight these features and colour the messages with eye-catching designs.

Instagram Management

With more than 2 billion users, mostly teenagers and young adults, Instagram is a social media platform mostly accessed from mobile devices. Due to this mobile format, users can focus 100% on what they see on the screen. For this reason, it is important to prepare the content and design of business posts that fall in front of the target audience in the most appropriate way. Planning Instagram posts that should show consistency and continuity and sharing remarkable visuals requires professional management!

It is our job to prepare Instagram-specific strategies and campaigns to increase brand awareness, promote your products and services in the best way and mobilize the audience!

Social media management

So, what do we do?

First of all, we determine our goals and plan our Instagram communication strategy step by step. In line with our analyses, we determine what kind of language and design the Instagram content should be and decide this together with our client. After making a social media planning in accordance with your brand identity and the interests of your target audience, we are not limited to just sharing. We see our interactions after each step and optimize our planning accordingly. We evaluate the opportunities to communicate with the audience and work for you to have a good reputation.

We manage Instagram through Meta for Business, just like Facebook. By taking over Instagram management, we not only enable our customers to share and communicate, but also support our campaign with advertisements. Thanks to targeted advertisements, we aim to increase the visibility of your brand and reach your potential customers. By adopting a transparent social media management in this process, we inform our customers at every stage and guarantee you to achieve maximum social media performance.

X Management (Twitter)

We manage businesses’ X accounts to create awareness, build engagement and increase website traffic. We aim to promote your brand by increasing your followers and attracting the attention of local and global users. We also aim to grow your audience by creating engaging content that users can retweet and add to their favorite’s. This way we can increase your engagement and drive visitors to your website. Since users often use X for news or humor, we take care to create appropriate content.

The X stream is much faster than other social media platforms and the topics and events on the agenda in a day are very diverse. It is possible to create opportunities for businesses from this feature of X! Thanks to a well-planned hashtag study, we can promote your products and services in the X trends tab. In a very short time, we can ensure that you are in the stream of thousands of people and your brand awareness spreads to large masses. Moreover, we can support you to always be in the flow by making simultaneous posts in line with the agendas we constantly follow.

X users tend to express their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with a product or service here. We identify positive or negative tweets about our customers on X and ensure that the necessary returns are made. In addition to increasing customer satisfaction, we ensure the impression of an accessible business in the eyes of potential customers. The X platform also offers a wide range of advertisement types for brands. In X management, we try to increase the interaction of our customers through advertisements as well as content sharing. You can always rely on our social media experts who follow the agenda in X platform management, which includes both content sharing and advertising activities, and have a command of X platform language and audience!

Social Media Management 2

LinkedIn Management

LinkedIn job pages allow users to discover new positions, follow leading brands in their sectors and follow the activities of companies. LinkedIn users prefer this platform to make updates about their business life or the sector they are in, search for new jobs and expand their business networks. With a business account, you can find talented candidates for your company and beyond that, you can strengthen your brand image by connecting with your target audience.

LinkedIn company pages allow users to discover and connect with brands. It makes it possible to learn about each company’s products and services, career opportunities and more. By having a professional LinkedIn page, brands can strengthen their industry networks, establish business partnerships and institutionalize their brand image. In social media management, one of the most important tools of digital marketing, you can benefit from the advantages offered by LinkedIn, which is the most important pillar of making new connections and communicating with your customers, by contacting us immediately.

What are the advantages of LinkedIn?

You can publish remarkable news about your company and sector.
You can announce new products and campaigns that will arouse interest in your customers.
You can announce open positions and connect with potential employees.
You can rank higher in search engine result pages (SERP).
You can expand your network by creating or joining LinkedIn Groups.
You can contact us immediately to create a LinkedIn page in a language suitable for your brand identity, attract the attention of your connections with interesting visuals and have a corporate image!

Social Media Advertising

Pinterest Management

With 500 million active users, Pinterest, a social media platform where visuality is at the forefront, can contribute to the digital marketing strategy of businesses of all sizes. The most important point in the management of Pinterest, which is a great tool for businesses to reach new potential customers and discover your products and services, is visuals with eye-catching designs. If you want to attract visitors to your website and increase your potential customers, you should consider adding Pinterest to your social media marketing strategies!
As in the management of all other social media platforms, we first plan a strategy in line with specific, measurable and achievable goals in Pinterest management. We develop a social media language suitable for the general Pinterest audience and the audience your brand will appeal to. In addition to target audience analysis, we also analyze your competitors’ pages and get information. Since Pinterest users use this platform to get inspired and try new things, we create fun and interaction-oriented content for these purposes. We prepare a social media calendar from these images and content customized for Pinterest and send it to you. There is no goal that cannot be achieved with a planned strategy!

YouTube Management

YouTube is the world’s second most popular search engine with more than 2.5 billion active users. Despite being so popular, many brands forget to include this platform in their digital marketing strategies. If you act before your competitors and include YouTube management in social media marketing, you can reach your potential customers faster.

Having a YouTube channel allows you to provide your potential customers with detailed information about your products and services. Consumers prefer to watch a visually enriched YouTube video instead of reading long informative content. But posting a video alone is not enough! The YouTube algorithm tends to favour channels with a large number of comments and subscribers. Therefore, constantly sharing content and supporting this content with adverts is the most important part of the strategy. To increase the number of views and increase the number of subscribers, it is necessary to publish videos with interesting titles and respond quickly to incoming comments.

So why do you need all this?

Social media usage is more widespread today than ever before. Consumers tend to examine brands’ social media while searching for products and services. Moreover, having accounts where existing customers can directly reach brands and be aware of the brand’s innovations and campaigns is beneficial in terms of customer satisfaction. If you want to bring your brand together with your customers and make it accessible to potential customers, you need a professional social media management.

As MonthStoreLLC Agency, we undertake the management of all these social media platforms in the best way, present your brand’s story in an accurate and interesting way, respond instantly to every comment and every message to your account, and measure the performance across channels and report to you at regular intervals.

Social Media Management Social Media Marketing is a long-term marketing technique that increases the active participation of your customers.

This is exactly where our work begins:
Determining the right audience, the right platform and the right tone of voice,
Presenting your brand’s story in the most accurate and engaging way,
Plan and create content for this,
Making creative designs, creating special texts for social media
Publishing content at the right time,
Moderation, i.e. responding to questions and interactions.
Instantly respond to every comment, every message on your account, measure and report performance across channels,
Creating and optimizing new strategies is only a part of the services we offer you.