Questions from companies and our answers.

Regarding our current distribution model, we use the logistics department of Amazon at the moment. Besides this, we have an intermediary warehouse in the US.

Our sales are for Amazon users only. Our active markets are Canada and the USA.

You are the first brand we want to deal within this category. There are brands in different categories that we want to be in agreement.

We don’t limit ourselves to a specific audience on Amazon.

In fact, I can say that reaching customers who are a little meticulous and very detailed can be more productive for us, because we can analyze the feedbacks from them more carefully and use them to improve ourselves.

This is actually one of the fundamental visions of our company.

Infact, there are many points on Amazon that you do not realize

Amazon has an eco-system that constantly renews itself, and this renewal is purely to better reflect some of the characteristics of business owners who shop or work within the system.

Finding a place in the system in a more sustainable order from an easier shopping habits of shoppers.

For sellers or brands, it provides innovations in many areas such as a scalable sales history or the ways to build the future become clearer and continue in a higher quality structure.

Therefore, it is impossible for us professional vendors to actually produce too many parameters.

Here, as an Amazon professional seller, we believe that our commitment to Amazon, our trust, and our concern for customers will be equally reflected in the growth of the brands we own.

As we mentioned, we care about customer feedbacks while selling the products of brands and we try to guide the brand accordingly.

If we move forward with the brands in this effort, it is a good opportunity for the brand to grow.

Of course, brands need to listen to professional sellers and apply the information in an up-to-date way.

Another method is to know and apply the features that Amazon offers to the sellers, and we are constantly improving ourselves in this regard.

In this direction, our first goal is to use the brands feature on Amazon to the extent approved and develop the brand.

If we trust the products of the brands as the authorized dealers, we can say that we are experts in customer service. We believe that this situation will reflect on the sales and the brand value of the products. This is the only strategy we believe in. If the brand lists are not optimized and some of the software programs we use are saying this, it may be a strategy for us to detect these deficiencies and convey them to the manager, and accordingly, it is possible to increase sales. By observing over time, we can determine which areas are missing and I can say that we also believe in the guiding strategy.

I can say that we are not a company that has undergone any restriction blocking or similar action by Amazon. Month Store LLC is a professional worldwide Amazon seller and our company is trusted.

No it won’t be necessary. We supply these kinds of materials from Amazon ourselves.

No, we do not have a supply agreement. Since our company supplies 100% of its product from and provides sales services, no agreement has been reached with a wholesaler or distributor of any brand yet. However, we would like to make it clear that we now want to cooperate with brands.

Digital marketing is any form of marketing activity that is conducted through the use of the internet and digital channels to promote, market, and sell products or services. This encompasses various methods such as website optimization, social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and more.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a technical and strategic process that aims to make your website rank higher in search engine results. SEO is important because people often use search engines to find products and services. A good SEO strategy can help your website attract more organic traffic and reach more potential customers.

Social media marketing is an effective way to engage with your target audience and promote your brand. Social media platforms have a broad user base, which can increase your brand’s visibility, build a loyal customer base, and provide access to potential customers.

Email marketing is done by sending promotions, content, or newsletters to customers or potential customers via email. A good email marketing strategy includes sending personalized and engaging emails. It is important to use permission-based email lists and send emails at the right times.

Digital advertising encompasses all advertising activities conducted on digital platforms. Popular ad types include Google Ads (search and display ads), Facebook ads, Instagram ads, YouTube ads, and more. These ad types are used to reach your target audience and promote your brand.

When creating a digital marketing strategy, it is important to consider the following factors:

Identifying and understanding your target audience.

Setting clear objectives.

Creating a content strategy and producing high-quality content.

Effectively utilizing social media and other digital channels.

Monitoring analytical data and continuously optimizing the strategy.

These questions and answers provide you with fundamental information about digital marketing.

Since digital marketing is an ever-changing field, staying updated and following new trends is also important.

Our company is grounded in looking for ways to deliver products to the end user and provide after-product customer service and increase brand value.
Therefore, we are not in the position of a distributor and we do not intend to be.

We are a company with nearly 10 years of ‘’on-line’’ sales service experience. 

Until today, we have provided sales services in the stores of many companies that provide online sales services.

We have never provided and do not intend to provide physical sales services

Our first goal is to sell to Amazon users in the USA, then serve Amazon customers in Canada, where we are experienced. UK and Australia are included in our plans.

We are interested in your products with high sales on Amazon. There are no product groups that we have determined or restricted.

The reason is that we do not research your product groups.

When we calculate the customer volumes of your products on Amazon’s listings based on the stocks and sales units of other competing sellers, we can come up with an annual plan.

However, we do not have a specific budget quota.

We plan to start with a minimum of $10k in the first month (if your listings are suitable for our analysis of your vendors and products).

This figure can be multiplied by $15k in the second month and $20k in the third month.

There is no company that we can reference you at that moment but our biggest reference is that we are a professional Amazon seller on Amazon.

Of course, we have a store that provides services to Canadian Amazon customers.

Our store has approximately 1,500 product order history and 16 feedback comments.

I would also like to add a 6-month turnover history of about $40k.

In the link below, we have a store window link. If you wish, we can send store window visual documents in all forms.

Please click for the store link


Great news for us.

We have a team that complies with the M.A.P policy 100% and can make necessary follow-ups and report when necessary.

NOTE: It takes at least 90 to 120 days for all the services or system we provide to work 100%.

We would like to remind you that it is necessary to know the brand and get used to its products and customers.

A conversion rate is calculated by dividing the number of visitors who complete a specific goal by the total number of visitors to a website or landing page. For example, in an e-commerce context, the conversion rate would be the ratio of visitors who make a purchase to all website visitors. Conversion rates are important because they help measure the effectiveness of digital marketing efforts. The higher the conversion rate, the more potential customers you acquire.

When determining a budget for digital marketing, consider the following factors:

Clearly define your goals and expected results.

Decide which digital channels and strategies you will use to achieve your goals.

Adjust the budget based on available financial resources and the competitive landscape.

Some KPIs for measuring the success of digital marketing campaigns include:
Conversion rates
Cost per click (CPC)
Website visitors
Social media engagement
Email open and click-through rates
Cost per acquisition (CPA)
Organic search traffic
Revenue and profitability Using these KPIs, you can gauge the performance of your marketing strategy and make adjustments as needed.

To optimize digital marketing strategies, you can use various tools, including:
Google Analytics: for tracking and analyzing website performance.
SEO tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush: for improving search engine optimization.
Social media management tools like Hootsuite and Buffer: for planning and automating social media campaigns.

Email marketing platforms like MailChimp and Constant Contact: for managing email marketing campaigns.
These tools help in analyzing, tracking, and managing digital marketing efforts for better results.