Servıce Improvement of Product Lısts

The first priority that brands should pay attention in order to increase their sales on online platforms is the category sections where they list their products and offer them for sale. Millions of Amazon customers search for the keywords they know in order to reach the categories they need everyday, so they come across the products they want and complete their shopping.

If the product lists and optimizations of the words of the brands which are used to promote the customers are not prepared correctly, it is impossible for the brands to reach the customer, who are looking for that product, and of course, it directly affects the sales. Therefore, it would not be wrong to say that this service directly affects the future of the brand.

Our company offers this service as free of charge to the brands for those who give us the authorized dealership. With the software programs that we use uninterruptedly 365 days of a year, we analyze the sales of your competitors in the lists of your products and analyze the customer comments of your products, and we present them to you in certain periods.

In addition, we check the keyword optimization of your products for sale and the product listings of your competitors, and we try to reach more customers by using the software programs we use and the features developed by Amazon to complete the listing optimizations offered to sellers.

By this way, we increase the rate of Amazon customers viewing and ordering your products, and at the same time, we contribute directly to your brand value with our customer service support in the background.